Anti-Tumor Activities of Allium Sativum on Serum IL-33, TNF-? and Breast Tissues in Cancer-Induced Wister Albino Rats
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Published: 8 July 2021 | Article Type :Abstract
Background: Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast tissue, resulting from mutations in genes regulating the growth of cells. It’s the most common neoplastic disease in female. Despite the cost in anti-cancer drugs productions, most drugs have not yielded the desired results.
Aims/Objective: This research is aimed to investigate the effects ofAllium Sativum treatment, on some serum cytokines, in cancer-induced female albino rats.
Materials/Methods: Fresh Allium sativum was subjected to plant identification/authentication, extraction sand cytotoxicity testing. Twelve rats(12) were used in the determination of lethal dose, using lorke’s method. The total of 25 rats were divided into 5 groups of 5 rats each. The groups were normal and positive controls, Acetylsalisalic acids, Preventive, and Treated group. With the exception of Group 1, all the groups were inducted with 65 mg/kg-1b.w. of 7,12 Dimethyl benzene-(a) anthracene (DMBA)and observed for 14 days, before treatment with 500mg of ASA (III), and A. sativum(IV,V). Therats were sacrificed, 24hrs after the last treatment, the blood and mammary glands were collected for ElISA and histological analysis.
Results: The extracts down-regulated serum IL-33, and TNF-α expressions as well as restoring the normal architecture of the mammary gland. Therefore, A. sativum may serve as a better preventive and therapeutic options in the management of Breast cancer.
Conclusion: The present study indicated that the ethanolic extract A. sativum posses an anti-tumour and immunomodulatory effects, so it’s recommended that clinical trials should be undertaken to see if the result could be replicated in human.
Keywords: Allium Sativum, IL-33, TNF-α, Cytokine,and Breast Cancer.

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How to Cite
Hussaini Mohammed Alhassan, Mohammed Haruna Yeldu, et al.. (2021-07-08). "Anti-Tumor Activities of Allium Sativum on Serum IL-33, TNF-? and Breast Tissues in Cancer-Induced Wister Albino Rats." *Volume 4*, 1, 4-15